Check PEP, sanctions, and high-risk names list to counter fincrime all in one place using SEON. Maintain anti-money laundering compliance easily by turning on automatic monitoring.
Good to know:
- Enter a customer's full name, add a country and date of birth to your search term to enhance search results.
- If you'd like to enable automatic monitoring for a name set
in your request. - When sending data through an API integration, you have the option to adjust fuzzy search settings if necessary. However, please exercise caution as these settings can significantly increase the number of both false positives and false negatives experienced by your team. In most cases, it is recommended to use the default settings for optimal performance.
- AML screening is not fully automated, we recommend reviewing potential matches manually.
- All SEON API requests are case-sensitive. Please follow the formatting below to avoid errors.
If you are using our US Transaction Processing Environment please use the correct endpoint:
Attributes | Type | Required | |
config | object | no | |
user_id | string | no | |
user_fullname | string | yes | |
user_firstname | string | no | |
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user_lastname | string | no | |
user_dob | date | no | |
user_pob | string | no | |
user_photoid_number | string | no | |
user_country | string | no | |
HTTP Endpoint
JSON attributes | |||
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has_watchlist_match | boolean | ||
has_sanction_match | boolean | ||
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"source_version": "2024-04-03"
"source_name": "hmt",
"source_full_name": "HM Treasurys Office for Financial Sanctions",
"source_version": "2024-03-28"
"source_name": "un",
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"source_version": "2023-11-08"
"source_name": "dfat",
"source_full_name": "Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade",
"source_version": "2023-11-18"
"source_name": "seco",
"source_full_name": "State Secretariat for Economic Affairs",
"source_version": "2024-03-05"
"source_name": "mlcu",
"source_full_name": "Egyptian Anti-Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing Unit",
"source_version": "2024-04-13"
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"source_full_name": "Global Affairs Canada",
"source_version": "2024-03-09"
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"source_full_name": "The world bank: debarred firms",
"source_version": "2024-04-02"
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"source_version": "2024-03-12"
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"source_version": "2024-03-20"
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"source_version": "2023-11-29"
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"source_version": "2024-04-11"
"source_name": "repet",
"source_full_name": "Public Registry of Persons and Entities linked to acts of Terrorism and their Financing",
"source_version": "2024-01-07"
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"source_version": "2023-01-24"
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"source_version": "2023-11-08"
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"source_version": "2022-05-27"
"source_name": "mfat",
"source_full_name": "New Zealand Police",
"source_version": "2024-03-27"
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"source_version": "2024-03-01"
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"source_full_name": "National Agency on Corruption Prevention",
"source_version": "2024-03-14"
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"source_version": "2024-03-13"
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"source_version": "2024-04-02"
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"source_version": "2024-03-29"
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"source_version": "2023-12-19"
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"source_version": "2024-03-28"
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"source_version": "2024-04-03"
"source_name": "moha",
"source_full_name": "Ministry of Home of Malaysia",
"source_version": "2024-04-17"
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"source_version": "2024-04-15"
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"source_full_name": "Ministry of Treasury and Finance of Turkey",
"source_version": "2024-04-17"
"source_name": "cnlct",
"source_full_name": "National Counter Terrorism Commission of Tunis",
"source_version": "2024-04-16"
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"source_full_name": "National Counter Terrorism Authority of Pakistan",
"source_version": "2024-04-17"
"source_name": "isf",
"source_full_name": "Internal Security Forces of Lebanon",
"source_version": "2024-04-16"
"source_name": "fia-pakistan",
"source_full_name": "Federal Investigation Agency of Pakistan",
"source_version": "2024-02-15"
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"source_version": "2024-04-13"
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"source_full_name": "Bureau of Counterterrorism of the State Department of the United States",
"source_version": "2024-04-15"
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"source_version": "2024-04-17"
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"source_full_name": "Ministry of Home Affairs of India",
"source_version": "2024-04-15"
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"source_version": "2024-04-15"
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"source_version": "2024-04-16"
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"source_version": "2024-03-30"
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"source_version": "2024-04-13"
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"source_version": "2024-04-15"
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"source_full_name": "Kazakhstan's Agency on Financial Monitoring",
"source_version": "2024-04-16"
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"source_version": "2024-04-16"
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"source_full_name": "Ministry of Home Affairs",
"source_version": "2024-04-14"
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"source_version": "2024-04-16"
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"source_version": "2024-04-14"
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"source_full_name": "Anti-Terrorist Center of the Intelligence and Security Service of the Republic of Moldova",
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"value": "Listed by UN 1267 Committee on 28 January 2003 (amended 26 November 2004, 16 May 2011, 10 June 2011, 6 Dec 2020)."
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"birth_place": "Korleko-Lombok Timur, Indonesia. Tirpas-Selong Village, East Lombok, Indonesia, korleko-Lombok Timur, Indonesia",
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"media": [
"date": "2002-05-01T00:00:00Z",
"snippet": "Then in May 2001, two men with ties to Jibril and Bashir were killed and a third was captured in a failed bank heist. The captured man described Bashir and Jibril as leaders of a terror group who had ordered the robbery. Jibril was arrested soon after and is still in custody in Malaysia.",
"title": "Al Qaeda's new frontier: Indonesia -",
"url": ""
"date": "2011-06-21T00:00:00Z",
"snippet": ": 'Mohamad Iqbal Abdurrahman (alias (a) Rahman, Mohamad Iqbal; (b) A Rahman, Mohamad Iqbal; (c) Abu Jibril Abdurrahman; (d) Fikiruddin Muqti; (e) Fihiruddin Muqti, (f) Abdul Rahman, Mohamad Iqbal). Address",
"title": "Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) No 597/2011 of 21 June 2011 amending for the 150th time Council Regulation (EC) No 881/2002 imposing certain specific restrictive measures directed against cert",
"url": ""
"date": "2016-08-19T00:00:00Z",
"snippet": "The tourists were said to have included eight Britons, three Americans and one German, a spokesman for Herat's governor claimed. Inside sources have claimed that Haji Abdurrahman, Taliban's shadow governor in Chesht-e-Sharif, was behind the attack which ended at around 1.30pm local time. Sources within Kabul have stated that the group had gone to Afghanistan through Hinterland Travel group, a small British tour company based in West Yorkshire.",
"title": "Foreign Tourists Attacked in Afghanistan's Herat Province",
"url": ""
"date": "2007-06-19T00:00:00Z",
"snippet": "Two other important financial operatives, Malaysian national Zulkifli Marzuki and Indonesian Aris Munandar, are involved in JI's front companies and charitable works and have been key intermediaries with al-Qaeda. Former leaders, such as Abu Bakar Bashir (whom Dujana implicated) and Mohamad Iqbal Abdurrahman (known as Abu Jibril), who have been released from prison will be involved only in JI's overt activities, propaganda, social welfare and dawa (outreach). JI's current amir is also undecided.",
"title": "Indonesia Neutralizes JI as Immediate Threat - Jamestown",
"url": ""
"date": "2002-05-02T00:00:00Z",
"snippet": "In Malaysia, Bashir became a magnet for exiles, including Abu Jibril Abdurrahman and Riduan Isammudin, two other alleged leaders of the JI. Singapore officials say that while Mr. Jibril, who is under arrest in Malaysia, and Mr. Isammudin, still a fugitive, focused on operations for the nascent terror group, Bashir was more of a religious front man – someone who could provide ideological justifications for violence and inspire recruits. Earlier this month, Fathur Roman Al-Ghozi, an Indonesian who graduated from Bashir's school in the late 1980s, was sentenced to 12 years in jail.",
"title": "Indonesian cleric fights for a Muslim state -",
"url": ""
"date": "2003-08-26T00:00:00Z",
"snippet": "\"We are ready to receive him,\" he said. Iqbal, 46, was arrested in June 2001 under the security act. He is suspected of being a senior member of the al-Qaeda-linked Jemaah Islamiah (JI) terror group.",
"title": "Indonesian police to question Mohamad Iqbal",
"url": ""
"date": "2009-10-30T00:00:00Z",
"snippet": "Abdurrahman also controls Ar-Rahmah Media, a pro-JI video production company. Abdurrahman and Agus Dwikarna were also part of the leadership of the Laskar Mujahideen and the Laskar Jundullah, two paramilitary organizations established by JI to engage in sectarian conflict in 1999-2001. The former was closely linked to JI and Al-Qaida.",
"url": ""
"date": "2014-09-12T00:00:00Z",
"snippet": "According to the police source, differences in the legal system and the terminology used in Indonesia to define suspects, defendants and convicts were to blame for the delay. The other Indonesians on the sanction list, whose assets have not yet been frozen, are Mohamad Iqbal Abdurrahman, Abdullah Anshori, Abu Bakar Ba'asyir and his sons Abdul Rosyid Ridho Ba'asyir and Abdul Rahim Ba'asyir, Agus Dwikarna, Gun Gun Rusman Gunawan (Hambali's brother), Aris Munandar, Taufik Rifki, Abu Rusdan and Parlindungan Siregar, Yasin Sywal, Mochammad Achwan and Muhamad Jibril Abdul Rahman. However, the police source said that Indonesia was trying to get some people removed from the list, as they have already served their terms in prison.",
"title": "PPATK Freezes High-Profile Terrorists' Assets: Less Than $100 Per Person | Jakarta Globe",
"url": ""
"date": "2003-10-06T00:00:00Z",
"snippet": "The Kuala Lumpur High Court today heard opening arguments by lawyers representing terror suspect Mohamad Iqbal A Rahman, who was seeking to quash declarations by the government that he is an \"undesirable\" immigrant and therefore, should be deported to his native Indonesia.",
"title": "Terror suspect Iqbal fights to keep PR status",
"url": ""
"date": "2003-08-26T00:00:00Z",
"snippet": "Suspected terrorist Mohamad Iqbal A Rahman will appeal against the Immigration Department's decision to revoke his permanent resident (PR) status, said his wife Fatimah Zahrah Abdul Aziz today. Fatimah, who finally met her husband at the Kuala Lumpur Immigration Department headquarters in Damansara, said Mohamad Iqbal will submit an appeal letter to the authorities soon.",
"title": "Terror suspect to appeal against PR revocation",
"url": ""
"date": "2003-12-10T00:00:00Z",
"snippet": "news Fernandez in the dark over travel ban Convicted labour activist Irene Fernandez, who is trying to get her passport back from the Kuala Lumpur magistrate's court, has yet to secure a hearing date for her appeal. news Iqbal gets leave to challenge revocation of PR status Former ISA detainee and terror suspect Mohamad Iqbal A Rahman has won the first round of a legal battle to fight the revocation of his permanent resident's status. news Lawyer",
"title": "Yap Mun Ching - Malaysiakini",
"url": ""
"first_seen": "2022-03-31T10:07:15Z",
"last_seen": "2024-04-09T11:54:09Z",
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