Block multi-accounting with Device Fingerprinting

Updated on 24.04.23
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Device Fingerprinting is one of the most effective tools to counter multi-accounting. SEON's device fingerprinting solutions help you detect fraudsters as early as possible. Keep bad actors off your platform – full stop. Rather than waste resources fighting them when they're already inside.


What is multi-accounting?

Multi-accounting is not automatically evil. Simply put, it's nothing more than the same person having several profiles on an online platform or service. However, for some services, like online gambling and casinos, it's a hugely problematic fraud vector.

Say you join an online poker tournament. You join a virtual table, and the game begins. Your success depends entirely on your skill, that of your opponents, and some luck.

Now imagine you have two profiles at the same table or three. Your chances of winning have skyrocketed compared to your opponents'. You pocket the winnings repeatedly – but ruin the fun for everybody else and damage the platform's reputation and bottom line.


SEON rules to counter multi-accounting

SEON's device fingerprinting tools are designed to catch fraudsters like multi-accounters and bonus abusers. Here's a quick list of some of the best rules you can set up to counter fraud efficiently.

Device Fingerprinting in rules

Using SEON's Scoring Engine, you can add any device fingerprinting data point to rules. Feel free to experiment with all rule parameter types: data match, compare, and velocity rules. Let's take a look at a few examples:

Compare rule: Jailbroken device is equal to true

  • Jailbreaking a device allows users to install apps and tools that would otherwise not be permitted on the platform. These can include fraud tools and spoofing technology.

Data match rule: Device IP country is equal to User country

  • This simple rule checks whether the device being used to access your site is actually in the country the user has specified when creating their account. Simple discrepancies like these often point to fraud.

Velocity rule: Cookie hash is equal Number of transactions in the last 1 week in current and previous transactions where Cookie hash is equal to current value and Action type is equal to account_register is greater than 5.

  • Cookie hashes are highly unique, and if two distinct users share a cookie hash, you can be sure the same user created them. This rule checks whether the same cookie hash has appeared in several account registration attempts over the past week.


Velocity rules take the stage

While you'll catch opportunistic fraudsters easily with compare and data match rules, you'll get the most bang for your buck with velocity rules.
Velocity rules range from simple to highly detailed and can be used effectively to hone in on fraud rings trying to exploit your business. Let's dive into a few more examples:

Example 1: Number of transactions in the last 2 hours in current and previous transactions where Browser hash is equal to current value AND Password hash is equal to current value is greater than 1.

  • Similar devices and user profiles can share browser hashes. However, fraudsters often use the same password for all their fraudulent accounts. As a result, you can quickly block fraud rings trying to set up multiple accounts from similar devices by checking the password hash alongside device data.

Example 2: Number of transactions in the last 1 hour in current and previous transactions where Action type is equal to account_register AND Card hash is equal to current value AND Browser hash is equal to current value is greater than 5.

  • Another one to catch less sophisticated fraudsters. If you collect card details during account creation, you can connect different accounts based on the card used, even when customers try to mask other account details.


Good to know

How Multi-accounting affects your business is highly industry and use-case dependent. While you might only want to block every 5th account in iGaming, the same can't be said for loan applications. For example, when running a bonus campaign, you might not want to block all multi-accounting users as it's expected behavior rather than fraud. To a degree, at least...