Features FAQ
Is it possible to leave a comment when bulk uploading a blacklist file?
How can I whitelist a user?
Where can I see if a DECLINE transaction was reviewed?
How can we configure two different webhooks for test & prod?
While there is an IP or Email score greater than 0, the amount is not added to the total of the Fraud score, how is this possible?
What is a normal list?
We would like to store the user_id in order to have it as a reference later, how should we do this?
Is there an easy way to duplicate rules?
If the email, which is already known to us, had been labelled as a fraud by some other merchant, would we get any notification about that?
Does SEON support IPv6 addresses?
How often is the IP database updated?
Is SEON capable of providing a fraud score for a user without us passing an email address?
What are some examples for the line: "Fraud Prevention service Fee (Fraud+Email requests in March): Email+Fraud API" ?
How we should use Fraud API if we need device data only?
I am trying to filter for all transactions that have triggered a specific rule. Do I have to use the "applied rule" sub-filter? I am trying to filter for all transactions that have triggered "User's user_address_hash".
Can you monitor PoS and ATM transactions?
Are you able to sort the results by Score successfully once the filter is applied?
Can you confirm how the 'total amount saved' is calculated in the dashboard?
Is there a way to delete a file uploaded to blacklist/whitelist?
Is it possible to change the transaction presentation list view without having privilege to the general settings change?
Is there a way to see applied rule statistics not only for the most used rules, but also for a certain rule?
Can we somehow recover data from our transactions?
Can I flag a value as suspicious for other SEON users to see?
How can we activate the Card widget in SEON?
If there isn't a way to verify payment provider accounts, can we at least have info if such an account has already been requested for verification?
Are you able to block a high volume of traffic from certain countries?
Does the Fraud API provide verification for Paysafe accounts?
Does SEON collect and store full-size profile images during data enrichment, and can I access these?
Is SEON PCI DSS compliant?
Is sending card hashes to SEON PCI DSS compliant?
Is sending 8, 9 digit BINs to SEON PCI DSS compliant?