How to create a new filter

Updated on 27.05.24
5 minutes to read
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Filters are advanced search functions that help you find specific transactions. You can create new filters on the Transaction List page and save them for later use by anyone in your team. SEON also lets you combine filters with different logic operators for even more granularity.


Why set up filters?

In SEON, filters are one of your fraud analysts' most powerful tools. Even simple filters can help uncover fraud rings and identify any connected accounts.

For example, one of SEON's in-house fraud analysts discovered over 700 fraudulent accounts at an online gambling operator using two simple parameters:

  • Email – Count of vowels is equal to zero.
  • Email – Count on numbers is equal to zero.

When both statements are true, the email addresses are nearly always automatically generated and fraudulent.

However, as fraudsters are constantly evolving, sometimes you need more advanced filters to sift through all the data. Luckily, SEON's got you covered.


Hands-on with creating filters

Let's create the filter used in the example above for a hands-on experience using filters in SEON. Head to the Transaction List page to begin.

1. Click on the Filter button at the top of the list.

2. Click Create filter.

2. Click Add Data Field.

3. Click Select Data Field and use the search function to find "Email" related options.

4. Select Email – Count of vowels 

5. Select the required operator from the dropdown. In this case, choose is equal to.

6. Enter the value in the field to the right, 0 (zero), in our example.

7. Click Add data field again to create the next statement.

8. Repeat step two but this time choose Email – Count of consonants.

9. Set the desired operator and enter the filter value (zero again) to the right.

10. Click Filter to apply the query to your current view or click Save to store the filter for later use.

11. Enter a name for your Filter on the modal that appears.

12. Click Save.

Advanced filters

Basic filters by default work AND attributes: you'll get a list of transactions where all the set data fields are applicable. Switch to advanced view to set up more complex filters where you can add OR attributes, meaning that you'll get a list of transactions where either one or the other data fields/groups are applicable.  

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