Streamlining teamwork with proposed system-level changes and approvals
Updated on 05.09.24
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Ensuring the integrity and security of system-level changes is essential in today’s fast-paced digital environment. The ability to propose and approve changes in SEON and grant different access levels within your team is designed to enforce an additional layer of security for significant system modifications, such as blacklisting and rule adjustments. This feature caters to organizations prioritizing oversight, particularly those with multiple tiers of user seniority.
Permission levels for proposing and approving/declining changes
In addition to the default permission levels available in SEON (Can edit, View only, Can't see), the Propose only and Manage levels can be added by enabling this functionality.
The latter two can be enabled for and applies only to Lists, Rules and Rule exclusions.
Permission levels can be managed and edited under the Organization tab of the Settings page.
Can edit
Team members with this permission level do not need to submit proposed changes for others to review and approve - their modifications are instant.
Team members with this permission level can send in drafts for proposed changes for others with the right permission level to review, review and approve/decline other team members' proposed changes and, if necessary, revoke their own submissions.
Propose only
Team members with this permission level can submit drafts for proposed changes, see proposed changes submitted by others and, if necessary, revoke their own submissions. However, they can't approve/decline other team members' proposed changes.
View only
Team members with this permission level can see proposed changes submitted by others but can't approve/decline them, nor can they submit their own drafts for proposed changes.
Can't see
Team members with this permission level cannot see proposed changes submitted by others but can't approve/decline them, nor can they submit their own drafts for proposed changes.
Proposing changes
Apart from changes made by team members with Can edit permission level, all changes connected to lists, rules and rule exclusions by other users on your SEON team will be submitted as proposed changes for someone to review and approve for them to be implemented.
This applies to any action in relation to lists, rules and rule exclusions, including adding new custom rules, list items or rule exclusions, deleting custom lists, custom rules, list items, rule categories or rule exclusions and editing custom lists, list items, rules, rule categories or rule exclusions.
Reviewing, approving and declining proposed changes
When someone submits a proposed change, authorized team members will get a notification on their SEON dashboards (and, depending on notification settings, an email reminder) and can review and manage them immediately. Once the proposed change is approved/declined, the submitting team member also gets notified.
The list of proposed changes can be found under the Proposed changes tab of the Logs page.
Authorized team members can view and/or manage these proposed changes from this list. The list can be filtered based on state (Open, Approved, Declined), action (Edit list item, Delete rule, Add rule exclusion, etc.) or the submitting user.
Team members with Edit and Manage permission levels can approve or decline the proposed changes one by one or bulk approve/decline them using the buttons at the top right corner of the screen.